The Rock Raiders have encountered fights between Ice Monsters and Lava Monsters, however sometimes Rock, Ice, and Lava monsters work together. Ice Monsters do not appear in sets - the closest thing is an unpainted Rock Monster prototype. Ice Monsters make few appearances in the NTSC PS1 game. The best way to kill them is with a Laser Beam. In the Rock Raiders game, they are more aggressive than Rock Monsters but not as strong. They too feast on crystals and can be found in icy areas beneath Planet U. They are similar to Rock Monsters but white and icy. The three books further expand on this story, as well as the missions from the games. The team would endure numerous hardships to obtain the Crystals, but they eventually triumphed, and successfully gathered enough Crystals to return home. They sent down Rock Raiders to mine it, and found vast amounts of Energy Crystals to power and repair the LMS Explorer, but they also encountered many alien creatures. They found themselves around Planet U, a planet rich in mysterious Power Crystals. The fuel supply was drained in the failed attempt to escape, and the LMS Explorer was flung into a distant Galaxy. The ship was badly damaged and, to make matters worse, a wormhole caught the ship in its gravitational pull. They had just finished their journey and were headed home, when they drifted into an asteroid field. The Rock Raiders were traveling on their spaceship, the LMS Explorer, mapping the whole Galaxy. The models and minifigures of the respective set the comic was included in played a major role in the story. The sets of the first wave, which were also the only ones of the theme that appeared in the catalogs, all included Rock Raiders comics. Rock Raiders introduced also several new pieces, such as the chrome drill, blade saw, hollow boulders and an electric light-producing cannon piece that served as a laser cutter.